Reunion Class Gift
Please make a gift to the Woods Fund in honor of your upcoming Reunion. All gifts and pledges made to the Woods Fund are included in your Reunion Class Gift totals. To make a gift:
- Give online: giving.gxitma.net
- Call: 888-769-0013 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST
- Send a check to PO Box 70, Office of Advancement, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 47876
Supporting The Woods is easy and can be done in multiple ways. Explore the many ways you can make a gift to SMWC here.
Class Gifts are calculated from July 1 through June 30. Reunion Class Gifts may be announced at Saturday evening’s Reunion Banquet. In order to have your support included in your Reunion Class Gift announced at Reunion, all gifts and pledges must be submitted to the Office of Advancement by Saturday, May 31 at 2 p.m.